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Hi, I'm Bas, and I've been working in test automation for about 18 years now. Most of that time I spent working as a test automation engineer, but these days I'm mostly active as a consultant and trainer.

I'm also dabbling in open-source software development, mainly in C#, and I'm the developer of RestAssured.Net, a library that strives to make writing tests for HTTP-based APIs in C# simple and fun.

Upcoming public training courses and workshops

Looking for an opportunity to join a workshop I facilitate?

May 6, 2025API security testing workshoponlineEnglishself-hosted

Enroll here

June 10, 2025Mutation testing workshoponlineEnglishself-hosted

Enroll here

September 30 - October 1, 2025API testing masterclassBaarn (NL)EnglishICT Improve

Enroll here

Upcoming public talks and events

Here's where you can find me speaking:

April 10, 2025Making the most of the Automation phase in BDD (talk / demo)EnglishLiving Documentation Event 2025 (Eindhoven, NL)

Register here

May 20-21, 2025Building a solid test automation strategy (interactive session)EnglishQNation (Copenhagen / Aarhus, DK)

Register here

May 27-28, 2025Are you sure your APIs are secure? (talk / demo)EnglishLive2Test conference (online)

Register here

October 6, 2025Are you sure your APIs are secure? (talk and workshop)EnglishSAST (Stockholm, SE)

Register here

Free ebooks

I have written a couple of short ebooks, available for free:

A Test Automation Learning Path (2020)

For those of you looking to take your first or your next step in becoming a (better) test automation engineer, I'm presenting a learning path in this ebook that is meant to give you some guidance along the way, as well as pointers to helpful resources. Spoiler alert: there's much more to it than just learning the ins and outs of a specific tool!

This ebook is published by the team at EuroSTAR Huddle.

Service Virtualization - Implementation, Practices and Trends for On-Demand Test Environments (2016)

If you're looking for a comprehensive introduction to service virtualization and how it can help you test earlier, more and more often, this ebook is exactly what you're looking for.

This ebook is written in collaboration with and published by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.