Selenium and what it is not
Please note: this post is in no way meant as a rant towards some of my fellow testers. I’ve only written this to try and clear up some of the misconceptions with regards to Selenium WebDriver that I see popping...
Please note: this post is in no way meant as a rant towards some of my fellow testers. I’ve only written this to try and clear up some of the misconceptions with regards to Selenium WebDriver that I see popping...
This is an experiment I’ve been thinking about for some time now. I have absolutely no idea how it will turn out, but hey, there’s only one way to find out! What is an open source workshop? I have recently...
When you’re implementing service virtualization, there are basically two different options for the creation of your virtual assets. In this post, I would like to take a closer look at both of these approaches and discuss why I think one...
Hey, another post on REST Assured! This time I’d like to take a closer look at how you can select elements from a JSON or XML response to check their values. For this, REST Assured uses GPath, a path expression...
Yes, yes, yes… The creation of automated checks as a means of supporting and speeding up parts of the software development and testing process (a concept better known as ‘test automation’) should be considered software development. I’ve mentioned that a...
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